Category Archives: News

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Satellite Tracked Vulture Movements 03 – 09 December 2018

The latest movements of our Bearded Vultures; Jeremia, Pharaoh, Lehlwa and Mollie and our Cape Vultures; Bennie and N207, for the past week, that are fitted with satellite transmitters and included in our monitoring program.

Meet the vultures included in the project

News of Inkosi is that so far the autopsy has not revealed any obvious signs of death. Poisoning is suspected but we are awaiting the test results. A team of Bearded Vulture Task Force members spent some time at Inkosi’s nest, but unfortunately did not see any sign of a nestling or Inkosi’s partner, therefore the breeding success of this pair remains inconclusive. Fortunately a flight over the area surrounding the location where Inkosi was found did not reveal further carcasses. Thanks to pilot Donovan Barton-Hobbs and observer Dean Ricketts for their survey. They did notice that based on her location data, Inkosi had been feeding at a few informal feeding sites/vulture restaurants.

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